To plant a lustful demoness in a girl
When the moon is full, the guy will go to the intersection, taking a photo, taking off the ports, jerking off,and spilling the seed on the photo, smearing the cross
When the moon is full, the guy will go to the intersection, taking a photo, taking off the ports, jerking off,and spilling the seed on the photo, smearing the cross
Grave grave should be stolen, yes, in the churchyard to find an old grave, yes, that woman’s namesake, yes,to bury her shoes, in the grave of a dead man, giving
Продолжить чтениеSo that the woman stopped loving her husband
So it is necessary to pay off the graveyard, and in order to save 7 half-rubles in silver all year, you needto cook a sharp knife and a black rooster
Продолжить чтениеIf the family is not doing well from generation to generation, but poverty torments
So go to the churchyard and raise up the Hostess with a drink and at the crossroads of the churchyardcollect a handful of earth and generously expose vodka and go
Продолжить чтениеIf you want to turn people away from a witch doctor or a witch doctor
If a person is very ill, so let him steal the clothes that are not washed from the enemy, and make a doll from this clothes, and urinate in a
Let a man mine a gold piece with gold and put it in a bowl with water from three streamsat midnight when the moon is full dialed yes will say
A woman like a doll rolled up in her head melts a hole in her head and tears a bunch of small hair from her pussyand dips her blood with
A woman lets go of his hair and drool and nails and blood and seed will gather a piece of clothes andshoes and makes a doll in the guise of
So the grass that the birds like goldfinches, put it on top of the laurel leaves in the dust of the table, yesand it will be in the dust as